Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bangalore University B.Sc Biotechnology III semester examination nov/dec 2009 Question paper

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 10:42 AM PDT

Course: B.Sc Biotechnology

University: Bangalore University

III sem bsc. examination, nov/dec 2009.




I) part I and part II must be answered in seperate booklets.
II) draw the structures and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

section A

I) answer any four of the following :- (4*2=8)

1) peptide chain.
2) thiamine.
3) zwitter ion.
4) saponification.
5) coenzyme.

section B

II) answer any two of the following:- (2*6=12)

6) explain the D and L forms of carbohydrates with example.
7) give an account on properties of amino acids.
8 explain IUB system of enzyme classification.

sction C

III) answer any two of the following:- (2*10=20)

9) write the dietary source and clinical significance of vitamin B complex.
10) give the classification of proteins based on structure and function.
11) explain the effect of pH and substrate concentration of an enzyme activity.
12) describe the different types of fatty acids with examples.

part II
section A

I) answer any two of the following:- (2*5=10)

1) give a note on hydrogen bond and peptide bond.
2) describe the measurement of radioactivity by scintallation counter.
3) write the principle and applications of ultracentrifugation.

section B

II) answer any one of the following:- (1*10=10)

4) explain the laws of thermodynamics and their limitations.
5) give abrief account on paper chromatography.

Bangalore University B.C.A Computer Application Computer Science (Y2K8 Scheme) Visual Programming Question paper

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 10:37 AM PDT

Course: B.C.A Computer Application

University: Bangalore University


Answer any 10 questions.(1×10=10)

1.Define SDK.

2.Expand HWND.

3.List few common resources in windows programming.

4.What is variant data type in VB?.

5.Discuss ant four properties of command button.

6.Define Module.

7.What is ActiveX controls?.

8.Define MFC.

9.Explain the concept of MESSAGE_MAP.

10.Explain the types of windows available.

11.Define ODBC.

12.Define Splitter Window.


Answer any five questions(5×3=15)

13.Explain memory management in Windows Programming.

14.What is resources in windows ?

15.Discuss dynamic array with example.

16.Explain the role of input box with exapmle.

17.What is ADODC ? Discuss its role in data connectivity.

18.Explain Document view architecture.

19.Explain the role of MDI in VC++.

20.Discuss the methods available for Exception handling in VC++.


Answer any five questions.

21.Explain the different functions of GUI in windows.

22.What is Looping ? Explain the different looping structure available in VB.

23.Differentiate functions and procedures in VB with example.

24.Explain the features of Visual Studio.

25.What is resource ? Discuss the procedure to create and load menu in windows.

26.Explain the concept of Serialisation.

27.Write briefly about the role of OLE in Interfacing.

28.Short notes on:
* Create() Method
* m_pMainWnd.
* VBX Control.

2010 Bangalore University B.C.A Computer Application Data Communication and Networks (Y2K8 Scheme) Question paper

Course: B.C.A Computer Application

University: Bangalore University


Answer any ten questions. Each question carries two marks. (2*10=20)

1.What is a Protocol ? Give 2 exapmles.

2.Define Communication Network.

3.Define SNR.

4.A telephone channel has a bandwidth of 3.4kHz and SNR of 10,000.Find the Channel Capacity.

5.Define single bit error and Brust error.

6.Give 2 differences between UTP and STP cables.

7.Compare connection-oriented and cinnectionless service.

8.Briefly explain the use of flow control in communication network.

9.What is random access protocol ? Give examples.

10.Define unicast and multicast physical address.

11.What is routing ? Give the classification of routing algorithms.

12.Briefly explain the functions of a packet switch.


Answer any five questions. Each question carries five marks. (5*5=25)

13.Briefly explain about ARPANET.

14.Explain any two TCP/IP application layer protocol.

15.Compare Analog and Digital transmissions.

16.Sketch the signal waveforms when 110101 are transmitted in the following signal codes
a) Unipolar b) Polar NRZ.

17.Explain briefly, with a figure, stop-and-wait ARQ.

18.Briefly explain about point-to-point protocol.

19.Explain the features of FDDI.

20.Explain the Working of a packet Switched network.


Answer any three questions. Each question carries fifteen marks. (15*3=45)

21.a) Briefly explain the key factors in communication network evolution. [mark 5+10]

b)Explain the OSI reference model,listing the functions of each layer.

22.a) Explain the internal structure of optical fibre cable.List the advantages of Optical fibres over copper cables. [mark 8+7]

b) Explain CRC method of error detection .Give an example.

23.a) Explain time division switches.

b) What is the disadvantage of Go-Back-N protocol ? Explain how it is overcome in Selective repeat protocol. [mark 5+10]

24.a) Explain CSMA/CD protocol.

b) What is channelization ? List the 3 Types of Channelizarion schemes. Explain any one. [mark 7+8]

25.a) Explain with a neat figure 802.3 frame format.

b) Compare link state routing and distace vector routing. [mark 10+5]

Bangalore University II B.Sc Biotechnology May/June 2010 Question paper

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 09:35 AM PDT

Course: B.Sc Biotechnology

University: Bangalore University

II Semester B.Sc. Examination, May/June 2010
(Semester Scheme)
Microbiology and Biostatistics

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Instruction: Part – I and Part – II must be answered in separate answer booklets.


I. Answer any four of the following: (4×2=8)

1) Contributions of Leewenhock

2) Phenols

3) Lambdaphage

4) Acid fast stain

5) Capsule


II. Answer any two of the following: (2×6=12)

6) Radiation methods of sterilization.

7) Construction and principles of SEM.

8 Photosynthetic apparatus in bacteria.


III. Answer any two of the following: (2×10=20)

9) Explain the characteristic features and reproduction of algae.

10) Describe the structure of gram positive and gram negative bacterial cell wall.

11) Explain TCA cycle.

12) Write short notes on:

a) Treatment of cholera

b) Transmission of HIV

c) Prevention of TB

d) Tetanus


All questions carry equal marks.Answer any four of the following: (4×5=20)

1. Find median and mode for the following data:

Income 100 150 180 200 230 250
No.of persons 24 26 16 20 6 30

2. A bag contains 3 red, 6 white and 7 blue coloured flowers. What is the probability that two flowers drawn are ?

a) white and blue

b) red

c) red and white or blue

3. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the following data:

Marks 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25
No.of students 6 10 12 10 08

4. Find the missing frequency from the following data given that their A.M. is 7.3

x 2 6 7 8 9
f 4 6 12 9 8

5. Explain the following:

i) Type I and Type II errors.

ii) Power of a test and level of significance.

6. Six guinea pigs injected with 0.5 mg of a medication took on the average 15.4 seconds to fall asleep with an unbiased standard deviation 2.2 seconds with six other guinea pigs injected with 1.5 mg of the medication took on the average 11.2 seconds to fall asleep with an unbiased standard deviation of 2.6 seconds. Use the 5% level of significance to test the null hypothesis that the difference in dosage has no effect.

Bangalore University II B.Sc Genetics May/June 2010 Question paper

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 09:27 AM PDT

Course: B.Sc Genetics

University: Bangalore University

II Semester B.Sc. Examination,May/June 2010
(Semester Scheme)
Mendelian Genetics and Biometry

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60


I. Answer any five of the following: (5 x 3 = 15)

1) Explain briefly the theory of Germplasm.

2) Differentiate Genotype and Phenotype with suitable example.

3) Write the properties of a normal curve.

4) What is a test cross? Explain with an example.

5) Define Phenocopies. Illustrate with suitable example.

6) A man of blood group AB marries a woman of blood group B(Heterozygous).What will be blood group of their children?

7) Explain XX-XO type of sex determination with an example.


II. Answer any five of the following: (5 x 5 = 25)

1) Explain incomplete dominance with an example.

2) Give reasons for the success of Mendel’s experiments with pea plant.

3) With suitable example illustrate duplicate recessive gene interaction.

4) Define standard deviation. List any two merits and demerits of standard deviation.

5) What are multiple alleles? Explain with reference to the inheritance of eye colour in Drosophila.

6) Two varieties of Snapdragons are with red flowers and other with white flowers were crossed.

The results obtained in F2 generation are 22 Red, 52 Pink and 23 White flower plants. Ascertain whether these figures show that segregation occurs in the ratio of 1:2:1 (Table value of Chi-square at 5% level of significance is 5.99)

7) Explain the hormonal control of sex determination.


III. Answer any two of the following: (2 x 10 = 20)

1) Explain Bridges genic balance theory of sex determination in Drosophila.

2) Define Epistasis. Explain dominant epistasis with an example.

3)a) Describe the law of Independent Assortment.

b) IN guinea pigs rough coat ‘R’ is dominant over smooth coat ‘r’ and black coat colour ‘B’ over white ‘b’. Find the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the following crosses:

i) RRBb x rrbb

ii) rrBB x rrbb

4) A husband and wife appear in the interview for two vacancies in the same post. The probability of the husbands selection is 1/7 and the wife is 1/5. What is the probability that?

i) Both of them will be selected

ii) Only one of them will be selected

iii) None of them will be selected

Most Secure Jobs 2010

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 09:05 AM PDT

The Most Secure Jobs for 2010

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More information

How much Kingfisher Strong Beer contain Alcohol?

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 08:36 AM PDT

Kingfisher Strong Beer Alcohol Content (Alcohol contains)

Kingfisher Strong Beer content 8% alcohol

Kingfisher Strong Beer label says “Alcohol content not exceeding 8%”

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Posted: 03 Nov 2010 12:22 AM PDT

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Check-in : +65 6541 6817
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